Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How to control your bad cold/throat infection as soon as you get its first hint?

Last saturday morning (3 days ago) I woke up with this minor lil something in my throat. And I could guess its the first sign of an impending throat infection. My prophesy was to prove true in another few hours. But for the first time, I tackled it in a systematic manner and as I write, I think ive 90% recovered, which is amazing. Usually it takes easily upto a week before you are fit again. Since it worked like magic in my case, I thought may be I will share my lil recepie with everyone. So here it is:
Your strategy should be two pronged. You should be aiming first for immediate relief. You know how you feel you cant even swallow properly, right? And while you are at it, you should in the meanwhile work on removing the infection.
Lemme talk abt them here.

Immediate Relief
1. Lemon tea works like a charm. You can make it any which way you want but heres how I did it
a. Boil a cup of water.
b. Put some honey, lemon (half), black pepper to the empty cup while the water boils.
c. Now pour boiling water into the cup, stir and drink it piping hot.
2. Gargling also helps. Just make sure you put in a lot of salt.

Infection removal
1. So while you ensure that cold isnt discomforting, its equally important that you ensure its removal.
2. Best way to do it is to see your doc/physician and take the medication he prescribes. They usually give you following medicines:
a. Antibiotic
b. Anti-cold
c. Anti-fever/bodyache/pains

So, hope this helps! It certainly did help me :)